
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Falling Together-Gregory Euclide

Gregory Euclide is an artist that uses elements of Dioramas in his work.  From his painted reliefs which often feature found objects, to his intricate installations that range from tipped over paint can worlds to elaborate paintings that erupt in dioramas, his work is fluid, imaginative, and visceral.
Perhaps most recognizably, his work is featured on the 2012 Grammy Award winning album covers of the band Bon Iver.
He also has an etsy shop, where he sells "studio sketches and experiments".

Prints of the original art for Bon Iver, Bon Iver - Calgary Single - Towers Single - Beth/Rest Single from Gregory Euclide on Vimeo.
Announcing a limited edition print of the artwork used on Bon Iver's critically acclaimed second album.


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